Hi I’m Dee!

So looking forward to helping you on your photography journey. What an awesome hobby / business to have!

My story started at a young age when my dad gave me my first camera, a ‘Baby Brownie’. In high school I converted our bathroom into a darkroom. I would spend until the early hours of the morning experimenting and developing black and white photographs.

After completing my Bachelor of Science degree I worked as a game ranger at Londolozi Game Reserve. Here my journey with wildlife photography began. In those days of film you would have to wait weeks until you saw the results! I sold some of these slides through stock libraries in the U.K.

Wow, and then digital happened! Instant feedback and so much cheaper! I dived back into the darkroom but this time it was digital. Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. The possibilities became endless.

I earned a certificate for Advanced Photoshop and did a Diploma in Graphic Design. I’ve also done many online courses on post-editing.

I regularly pack my camera gear and head into the Kruger National Park to make wildlife photographs. Many of these have been published and others grace the walls of lodges in Africa.

I’m going to help you take your images from good to something special!